Type 3 -- Scrapbook

WARNING!! This page was last updated in about 2002. It's now 2007, and it has been temporarily put live just for the fun of it. These pages aren't being updated. If you want to check out an AWESOME gallery, go to TheSamba...

The family album.

We're maintaining this Virtual Scrapbook of Type III pictures, stories, and other general trivia and memorabilia. If you have anything -- ANYTHING! -- you think would be cool to share here, drop us a line at <address removed>. Links to other personal homepages featuring Type IIIs are also welcome here.

This document is: http://vwtype3.org/scrapbook/index.shtml

For questions about this web site, see about vwtype3.org
or send e-mail to webmaster@vwtype3.org.