Copyright permission from Clymer Publications
From: Date: Thu, 02 Apr 98 11:03:49 -0600 To: <> Subject: Re: out-of-print copyright permission Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Loop: Status: RO Mr. Merritt: Permission is granted to use the information, provided that you give credit to Clymer Publications, Overland Park Kansas and that the information remains not-for-profit. Thank you, Mark Jacobs Editor, Clymer Publications ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: out-of-print copyright permission Author: Greg Merritt <> at INTERNET Date: 4/1/98 9:41 PM Dear Mr. Jacobs, I maintain an enthusiast's web site for Type III Volkswagens ( and would like to make available content from out-of-print Clymer manuals. The manuals are: "The 1600 Model Volkswagen Owners Handbook of Maintenance and Repair," Floyd Clymer Publications, ca. 1966 (no ISBN listed) and "Volkswagen Service Repair Handbook, Squareback and Fastback, 1962-1972," by Eric Jorgensen, edited by Jeff Robinson, Clymer Publications, 1972 (no ISBN listed) Content from these works would be made available on a not-for-profit basis for the purpose of assisting Volkswagen Type III owners with the repair and maintenance of their vehicles, with full and accurate reference to the original texts. Do you have authority to grant such permission? If not, could you refer me to someone who does? Many thanks, -Greg Merritt
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