Frank's '71 Fastback
The story of Frank's '71:
I had been looking through for a Fastback for a couple of months, when one of the ads caught my attention: "71 VW Fastback, complete original, not running. $0 4250." In Southern California, $4250 is too much to pay for a Type 3 in this condition, and free is a very good price indeed. As it turned out, I think there was some sort of mishap involving the shift key when trying to make a dollar sign, and the price was $250. I called up and set up a time to take a look at the car. A few days later I drove out to the local U-Haul, picked up a truck and trailer to the tune of $110, and schlepped the thing home. Registration for the past three years brought it up another $160. When I began looking at the innards I found the fuel injectors and starter motor in the trunk. I tested both, and they all worked. I also found several gallons of gasoline mixed with the oil in the crankcase. After rectifying the above situations as well as a number of others, I had a running vehicle. -Frank
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