VW Type III: Richard's '67 Squareback

The story of Richard's '67

I bought this '67 squareback in 1994 and with plenty of trips to the repairshop I manage to keep it on the road. I use it daily and so far it has been reliable. The original 1500 cc one carb. engine is never overhauled as far as I know. 130 km/h is still possible so it's fast enough on the autobahn.

Rust is my biggest problem but untill now I've only had a new treshold. Leaking rainwater is also a difficult problem which I haven't solved yet. The body is far from straight but because of the daily use thats convenient; I never have to worry about little dents and other horrors that keep the owners of the concours-cars awake. As far as I know there are only about 10 or 15 of the older shortnose squarebacks left in Holland. So its a rare vehicle which always attracts a lot of attention. For me the fun is driving it and not so much maintaining the granadared Variant. In front of the car on one of the pictures you can see the reason why I bought it. After I managed to turn my '68 bug into a wreck this was the logic successor. He rejoined with his younger brothers on the other picture on a clubmeeting. I think the squareback is the most attractive in the type 3 range. My ideal type 3 would be a shortnose, autotranny, sunroof, (tiefsee)green variant. But I'm very happy with this one and I would not easily part from it.

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