VW Type III: Theo's '65 T34 KG & '67 Notchback

The story of Theo's Type IIIs:

Hi Greg, Here two pics of my cars, I hope they arrive ;-) The guy with the funny glasses and the grin on his face in the KG is me I'm affraid ;-).

The notch is a 1967 1600L with factory steel sunroof, and was finished about 6 months ago after 5 years of work. When I bought it, it seemed to be in good shape, but....when lifting the body, some major rust was found in the usual areas. Everything was welded with new pannels when available or handmade. The car was sandblasted and sprayed in the original pearl white. Everything has been brought back to the original state with NOS parts only. The engine was still in very good shape and only the sheet metal was rusty. All 'small' loose metal parts like heat exchangers, exhaust, engine tin, rims, fuel tank, tow bar, drum brakes, etc was sandblasted, zinc plated and sprayed. In short: the works. I'm the third owner and I met the previous owner, a nice elderly lady who worked for the police department in Amsterdam. She bought it from her uncle who bought the car new and died two years later. When I got the car it had 44000 km (27500 miles) on the odometer. This was the original mileage!. Since it got finished I put on another 3000 km.

The type 34 KG is a manilla yellow, 1965 1500S, still original and unrestored (as yet). The car is complete and in good shape, although the engine was replaced at some stage by an early seventies dual carb 1600. I'm at present rebuilding a '64 1500S engine which should be finished and installed this spring. Apart from that, it only needs new carpets and seals for the doors and hoods. As all type 34 parts, these are incredibly expensive, both here and in the States, so I'm saving money for these now and should be able to get them in spring. Hopefully the car can be taken for a spin than after two years hibernating. Both cars were originally sold in Holland, no imports, so they still have the original license plates which makes them quite rare overhere.

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