My Fastback was built on the 21st October 1965 and shipped for sale in France. I know this from a detailed letter I got from Wolfsburg.
(It even had a sixties parking ticket from Lake Geneva in it when I bought it)
You can see from the photo (If I got that to work!) that it isn't in too bad a condition and it has been like that since I got it in '88. It is a great car to drive (and a head turner where I live!)
It is not my daily driver, as I have been trying to restore it for the last 6 years, I drive my '72 Squareback which is also great fun.
Long live the Type 3!
I thought you would like the piccy of my squareback. Only had the '72 for two years but it has been the most reliable car I have ever had. The only things I have had to do to it is change the clutch, put gearbox oil in and that's about it apart from basic 'playing' and polishing it as often as possible. It has done 136,000 miles! but still looks good.
It is disappointing that there are not that many Type 3's in the UK. I can go weeks without seeing another one! (Unless I go round my garage)
Speak to you later
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