Type 3 -- Scrapbook

VW Type III: Yaman's '75 Brasilia

The story of Yaman's '75

     Hello Greg,

     I ran into your web site yesterday and I should say that it's one of
     the nicest VW sites I've been through so far.  Your compilation of
     Types III's is mouth-watering.

     But first, let me introduce myself.  I'm Yaman Lorenzo from Makati
     City, Philippines and I'm also a die-hard VW fanatic.  I currently own
     a 1975 VW Brasilia, and I've attached some pictures for you to see if
     there's any way my car can be included in your web site.  Some say
     that this is a Type 1 but definitely it has some resemblance to its
     Type 3 causins.  If you think I'll be lucky enough to be able to join
     your collection, please let me know so I can send you some details
     about the car and some more pictures during my 7 months restoration

     More power to you and I 'm hoping to hear from you soon.

     Mabuhay ang VW!  (Long live the VW)

     Yaman Lorenzo

     Makati, Philippines

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